Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Bits and pieces

Today I dealt with three outstanding things that needed doing before I leave (less than a week away).

Firstly I got my insurance materials from Flight Centre. The guy that booked my flights was on leave so I'm glad I chased it up because I wasn't going to be hearing from him. All my tickets are e-tickets so I don't need to collect anything else from them.

Secondly, my mobile phone won't work in the US. It's not a tri-band phone, or something like that. But Ursula, Drew and Natalie have all suggested I just get a international phone card - which are really cheap - while I'm over there.

This does mean one less thing I have to worry about carrying around with me. I wouldn't be using it much anyway other than calling home. The only catch is I was thinking of using it to carry some mp3s around with me. I wonder do I take my mp3 player now or just rely on the natural sounds of the US?

And thirdly, I've suspended my gym membership since I'm going to be out of the country for most of the month I don't see the need to pay for it. Unlike those other months where I don't use it but am in the country!



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