Tuesday, May 22, 2007

So long New York

I've left the Big Apple behind and made my way to Washington DC. Well technically I'm near there. I won't be there until tomorrow.

New York was a great city and of all the places I've been, it's the one I'd really want to go back to. The size of the city is daunting, and up to and including today I was still getting confused which way uptown and downtown were, but it feels easy to get used to.

I was crossing streets, dodging traffic like a pro. It's odd to jaywalk in front of police but it's the NY thing to do! On the downside there were a few too many people walking around with their bluetooth headsets for my liking (it looked like the Cybermen or the Borg were silently invading).

I got to see Central Park (huge) and the Statue of Liberty (huge queue, not that big) and the big landmarks.

I loved being at Times Square. I ended up seeing seven Broadway shows. I figured who knows when next I'm going to get the chance to see something on Broadway. On top of the three I've already mentioned I saw Mary Poppins, Tarzan, Spring Awakening and Curtains. All good shows although I think I liked Curtains the best of these.

I also saw a movie today (28 Weeks Later) in the time I had to fill between checking out and getting picked up. The drive to the airport took ages and was an adventure and a little more scary than the film.

At the airport I was told my bag was 8lbs over weight. I've got no idea what 8lbs means and the guy wasn't very helpful. I've checked up and its about 3.6kg. Not much. I should be able to fit that into my carry-on for the next flight. For the trip home Qantas are more generous with their allocations.

I flew JetBlue for this short leg and I wonder if our cut-price airlines will introduce personal TV sets for passengers by default anytime soon? Maybe that new Tiger Airlines will do it?



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